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Hi, I'm Kimberly (Kim). I'm from Geneva, Switzerland, but I have lived in the US for five years. I spent four of those years at university in Boston where I majored in English.


I have an absolute passion for reading (hence the English major) and love lots of different styles of writing. More specifically though, I love fantasy, sci-fi and pretty much everything related to made-up universes and crazy magic systems.


I am now living my best life in Seattle where I can combined my love of fantasy with D&D, boardgames, and tons of other fun nerdy activities. 


My favorite genres:

  1. Fantasy & Sci-Fi - I love intense world building. 

  2. Young Adult – I like the lighter reads in that genre. 

  3. Contemporary - Hit or miss. I don't love the more depressing ones. 

  4. Historical-fiction

  5. Romance - I love a good romance book if it's well written and not completely cliché.​

Genres I don't love: 

  1.  Autobiographies/memoirs - I'm not entirely opposed to them but they tend to not grab my attention. 

  2. Nonfiction - Again, I just haven't gotten into nonfiction yet. Key emphasis on yet. 


Let me know if you have any recommendations! And check out my reviews here.

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